Region: Královéhradecký kraj | District: Rychnov nad Kněžnou | Town: Sedloňov | Location: Sedloňov | Mountain: Orlické hory

Horská chalupa Kočmíd

number of descriptive 82, 51791 Sedloňov 1.06 km from city center Sedloňov
Capacity 16 beds
Accommodation from 120 Kč
Obecný Boarding:a kitchenette is available.
Sanitary facility:1 x in the ground floor (bath, WC, a basin), a washing machine, 2 x in the attic (a shower-bath, WC, a basin), four bedroom has one ´s own sanitary facility.
Description of the lodgings: The community Sedloňov is the smaller mountain village (262 inhabitants). It lies in the Hradec ´s region, 13 km from Dobruška, in the north part of the Orlické mountain.
We offer all year round staying in the stylish rebuilt cottage, almost at the end of the mountain village Sedloňov. In the object there are disposable five bedrooms with 2, 2, 3, 3 and 4 beds, bedclothes, a kitchen with a cooker, a kitchen nook, a microwave, a kettle, a coffee-machine, a toaster, dishes, a big table with benches for 10 people, two fridges on the wall, then a living room with two sofas, TV/SAT, a radio with CD player, a pantry, a verandah with a bench.
The object is heated by central heating + a mobile heating in the attic.
In the garden you can use a pool, a sitting, a summer house, garden furniture, a fire-place, a grill. For children there is a sand-box, a swing, a hammock. Trough the piece of land goes the rill. There is 2,5 m high hedge around the garden.
You can lend five bikes per a charge.
Parking:There is a barn, which could be used as a garage for one car, 5 parking places are in the front of the cottage.

Cena za 1 noc - celý objekt  (2-6 nocí)

Cena za 7 nocí - celý objekt

27. 08.  –  19. 12.

2.990,- CZK 

11.900,- CZK         

19. 12.  –  26. 12. 

2.990,- CZK  

14.900,- CZK         

26. 12.   –  02. 01. 

– – –

44.900,- CZK       

02. 01.   –  04. 02. 

– – –

19.900,- CZK          

04. 02.   –  04. 03. 

– – –

23.900,- CZK          

04. 03.   –  18. 03. 

– – –

19.900,- CZK     

18. 03.   –  27. 05. 

2.990,- CZK   

12.900,- CZK          

27. 05.   –  24. 06. 

– – –

14.900,- CZK   

24. 06.   –  02. 09. 

– – –

26.900,- CZK      

Sleva We provide 10% discount to our stable costumers!!
Lůžka 2 x double bedroom, 2 x triple bedroom, 1 x four bedroom
Updated on: 09.10.2016
Horská chalupa Kočmíd
GPS: 50.3337891,16.3249116
Address: number of descriptive 82, 51791 Sedloňov
Phone: +420 776 698 075

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