Region: Moravskoslezský kraj | District: Bruntál | Town: Ludvíkov | Location: Ludvíkov | Mountain: Jeseníky

Chata U Sovy

Ludvíkov number of descriptive 43, 79326 Ludvíkov 1.11 km from city center Ludvíkov
Capacity 35 beds
Accommodation from 450 Kč
Obecný "
Boarding:breakfast, half board, full board.
Sanitary facility:a Most of rooms have basin with warm water. The shared showers and toilets are on the floor.

Description of the lodgings:The cottage is situated in the village Ludvíkov, which lies under the highest point in Jeseník (Praděd), in the valley of White Opava in the Hrubý Jeseník, 3 km from the spa Karlova Studánka a 5 km from Vrbno pod Pradědem.
Guests can use a common room with a fireplace, a dining room with possibility of full board, TV, a cloakroom, a depository of ski. The cottage is suitable for family recreation, trainings, courses of skiing, outdoor schooling etc. Not far from the cottage there is a grass plot, a playground and a fireplace. Parking:You can park at the cottage.


  Zima Léto
Osoba/ noc bez snídaně 500 Kč 500Kč
Osoba/ noc/ se snídaní 620 Kč 620 Kč
Osoba/ noc/ s polopenzí 750 Kč 750 Kč
Sleva By a phone agreement, discount for groups, discount for children.
Lůžka 2- 6 bed rooms.
Updated on: 02.08.2024
Chata U Sovy
GPS: 50.095807,17.335757
Address: Ludvíkov number of descriptive 43, 79326 Ludvíkov
Phone: +420 554 751 005
Mobil: +420 774 732 288

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